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UI for Mute/Overdub CUE



  • Yep that sorted it thanks Jack.

    My friend was impressed with GTL and was able to use it fine even though he's a bit of a technophobe. I set up my Behringer FCB1010 and it was great to see him selecting loops and groups and so on. It will be even better with the new MIDI bindings :wink:
  • edited April 2017
    Very encouraging, glad they liked it!
  • edited April 2017
    Just messing with ThumbJam and GTL.

    I was using Link and doing some recording with and without Cue. Without is good as you don't need to set the number of bars in advance. But the downside is that the loops don't always start on beat 1 without Cue. I think I'd like an option to be able to start recording with Cue but have stop recording be Cue free.

    That way the loops would always start at the beginning of a bar and could be as many bars as you want until you press rec again and then it will stop at the end of that bar.
  • Just messing with ThumbJam and GTL.

    I was using Link and doing some recording with and without Cue. Without is good as you don't need to set the number of bars in advance. But the downside is that the loops don't always start on beat 1 without Cue. I think I'd like an option to be able to start recording with Cue but have stop recording be Cue free.

    That way the loops would always start at the beginning of a bar and could be as many bars as you want until you press rec again and then it will stop at the end of that bar.

    Right got you, like a 'CUE in' and 'CUE out' for recording. I've added it to my list.
  • Awesome :smile: Thanks Jack!

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