MIDI Settings
Hey Jack,<br /><br />Would love to have an option of Record/Play/Pause in MIDI settings (with the first tap recording, then Play/Pause only after) assigned to Loop in a group. Hope that makes sense The iRig Blueboard (which works great with your app by the way ) only has 4 switches so trying to juggle resources a bit.
I'm a bit slow on the uptake...but I wonder if you could help me sort out using blueboard with GTR. If I use the irig app and assign ccs to something like 'record'..it only starts recording when I take my foot OFF the pedal. I can't find a way of making it record with the first tap. I have used midi LE mode and note on mode. This allows me to record on the first press...but when I use it with a midi keyboard and I press one of the blueboard switches to activate record (or anything else) it sounds out a midi note . And I can't change the midi receive channel of my keyboard and it appears the midi LE mode only transmits and receives on ch1. If you have any time to shed any light on this I'd be very grateful. Thanks. (any chance of a 'solo track' binding?) cheers
Glad you solved your issue. If I remember correctly, it was a while ago, I think I made it so loop timings are always compensated . Therefore, if you take half a second to lift your foot from your pedal the loop would still start from the exact time you tapped down. This makes it possible to get exact loop lengths and still allows for a ‘hold’ binding on the same pedal. E.g. tap once to record, hold down pedal to clear loop.
Solo track binding - yes it is certainly possible, I will look into it.
My issue with the blueboard was actually a feature of the board which allowed for a long hold to switch banks. If you have this feature enabled then record (for example) is only activated when the pedal is released. If you disable the feature then it all works on the pedal down quite nicely. I do hope millions of people buy GTL.!