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Many lines of code later...

edited January 1970 in Development Blog
Many many many lines of code later, lots of coffee and a significant lack of exposure to natural light, I can say that i'm almost ready to release Group the Loop 1.3 to testers...<br /><br />Along with many improvements under the hood, a lot of work has gone into Ableton LINK support. LINK will allow us to synchronise GTL perfectly with other music apps and devices. I'd love to hear how you guys will make use of this feature!<br /><br />Other additions include:<br /><br />- Real time tempo change, with pitch and time stretch type algorithms.<br /><br />- Inter-app audio connections as an input stream. This will allow us to connect as a receiver in AUM, endless possibilities!<br /><br />- More audio formats supported on import.<br /><br />Hope you're all well,<br />Jack


  • Very exciting! Would love to be a beta tester on this, I would be putting it through its paces with a foot controller that runs through sidecar mini and then into GtL. Let me know if there's anyway I can help.
  • Sounds brilliant! Would be great to have you on board. It'll be a week or so now before it's ready for testing but I'll add you as soon as its out.
  • Exciting! I've been using Loopy everyday on my radio show but then using Live Loops in GarageBand to do sectioned songs. The limits of both were frustrating. I just found your app and bought it immediately because it seems to be my dream come true. Very excited for the Link! And importing formats is huge. :) I'd love to be a tester as well if you need one and I'd be testing it on air so it would be some publicity. Http://
  • edited October 2016
    NMoore wrote:
    Exciting! I've been using Loopy everyday on my radio show but then using Live Loops in GarageBand to do sectioned songs. The limits of both were frustrating. I just found your app and bought it immediately because it seems to be my dream come true. Very excited for the Link! And importing formats is huge. :) I'd love to be a tester as well if you need one and I'd be testing it on air so it would be some publicity. Http://
    Fantastic! Thanks NMoore. Your site looks great and it would be really useful to have you on board as a tester. Just PM me your email and i'll add you as soon as the beta build is available. It's likely to be a week or so now. Cheers!
  • Looking forward to this update >Pitch/Time stretching
  • Hello, is this update going to be pushed soon? It looks like it's been a while since you've posted here. If not, I would love to jump on as a beta tester if possible. I bought this app purely for inter-app audio purposes, so having Link is a bit of a must for me. Let me know :)
  • edited October 2016
    Hello, is this update going to be pushed soon? It looks like it's been a while since you've posted here. If not, I would love to jump on as a beta tester if possible. I bought this app purely for inter-app audio purposes, so having Link is a bit of a must for me. Let me know :)
    Hey StaticChromatic, it will be soon:) It would be great to have you on board as a tester. PM me your email and I'll add you to the list.
  • I would love to help beta test. I love this app. It's almost there!!!<br /><br />Thanks
  • This is great news to hear that Link is coming as it's been the one barrier left for me to use this app as my main looper. When is the expected release date? Maybe I'll see if beta testing is still open... Very exciting stuff!
  • edited October 2016
    This is great news to hear that Link is coming as it's been the one barrier left for me to use this app as my main looper. When is the expected release date? Maybe I'll see if beta testing is still open... Very exciting stuff!
    Not long now I hope, just a few more tweaks and we're there!
  • Desperately hoping to see Time Signature Change between groups, and also add the missing Time signatures 5/8, 9/8 and 13/8, and support for my bluetooth foot controller..... I would also really love to be considered fir beta testing, and would also like to submit a few performance demos once I get fully in swing. This app is the best i've seen so far, and Ive tried them all....
  • edited November 2016
    Desperately hoping to see Time Signature Change between groups, and also add the missing Time signatures 5/8, 9/8 and 13/8, and support for my bluetooth foot controller..... I would also really love to be considered fir beta testing, and would also like to submit a few performance demos once I get fully in swing. This app is the best i've seen so far, and Ive tried them all....

    Awesome, bring on the performance demos!

    I was just thinking about time signatures, as you do, I will probably be adding more soon. Also separate group time signatures/tempos is planned for the future.

    Which bluetooth foot controller do you have? GTL should work with most.

    Always up for help beta testing, will be in touch.

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