midi binding with notes over virtual midi in AUM
@Jack Hi, should this work? I am trying to set up some scripted midi triggers to control GTL. I've done this before and it worked, but I was using CCs sent from LK hosted in AUM. It was pretty hit and miss drawing controller values in LK, and I'm now using the new Atom2 quite a bit instead, but currently that only sequences notes.
I made some new bindings, with note values sent from a hardware controller for GTL to learn, then sequenced those notes along a timeline in Atom, sent its output to virtual midi, and GTL's midi input to virtual midi. I think I have my channels etc all good, so I'm wondering if this should work or not. Could it be an issue that GTL learnt the commands from the hardware controller, so doesn't recognise them now they are coming from elsewhere?
Hi @SimonSomeone,
Yes it should work, in theory... Are you seeing the notes from Atom appear in GTL's midi monitor?
It's also possible that the commands from atom are slightly different than your midi controller. What happens if you re-assign the midi binding with the note triggered in Atom?
Also worth checking that you're on the same midi channel.
Let me know how you get on.
@Jack I did the mapping directly from Atom and it all worked fine. Not sure if that was the difference between failure and success. During my failed attempts notes were logged in the midi monitor, which I assume means my midi mappings were correct. Anyway, Its working successfully now, really well in fact.
It did bring something else to mind... Should I trigger things right on the beat i want them to happen? I assume GTL takes some amount of time to react, and will also be aware that a trigger very near a beat is probably intended to be on the beat. Putting those together I wondered whether I should trigger things slightly ahead of time. Valid idea or not?
cheers, Simon
Great work @SimonSomeone, sounds like the commands from atom are slightly different to those sent by your controller. Maybe they handle note off differently...
Depends if you are using CUE mode or not. If CUE is turned off and you use instant record then yes you can trigger right on the beat. Recordings won't be late as GTL keeps a short buffer of audio in the memory so it can essentially "look back in time" so the beginning of what you played is always captured.
If you have CUE turned on then there is no guarantee a recording or a group will start immediately. You may find yourself waiting another whole cycle.