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Multiple outputs feature request

First thing first, I really like GTL so thank you for a great app. I want to use GTL with AUM so I want to load each of the 4 tracks in AUM so I can mix and load any AU effect. A lot of people use AUM for live performances and I think it would a lot of sense to have multiple outputs instead of just one main output. Thank you.


  • hi @fattigman, absolutely. Multiple outputs would be great and it is on my to do list.

    By the way, the next update of GTL will allow you to add AU's to the audio input and individual loops.
  • Jack wrote: »
    hi @fattigman, absolutely. Multiple outputs would be great and it is on my to do list.

    By the way, the next update of GTL will allow you to add AU's to the audio input and individual loops.

    That's great news. I'm looking forward the update.
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