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What is the older iDevice that can run GTL?

edited January 2019 in Help

Meanwhile AUv3/universal version arrives I'm curious about what's the older iPad that can handle GTL... @Jack?

So if 64bits only (I understand) then iPad mini 2 is still suitable? Someone with one can give me some feedback about how it performs?


  • edited January 2019
    I test using an iPad mini first generation. Same spec as the iPad 2. Auv3 isn’t supported of course.

    For any old devices I’d recommend the highest buffer size. Also disable Ableton Link if you don’t need it and keep the initial tempo after starting a session. GTL uses audio rate convertion to keep in time with the Link or alter the bpm which uses more processing power.

    In terms of iOS version, I think iOS 9 is the oldest GTL currently supports.

    Without all the bells and whistles GTL will run pretty light. Older devices should be able to handle a basic live looping session. You can always use direct monitoring on an audio interface if you need low latency monitoring.
  • Interesting. I will not need more than basic backing track some looping. No link or so. Maybe I should test the buffer size in workflow terms on my mini4 to see what it means truly.

    Did you tried on iPad mini2? Just to no go so spartan hehe.

    Thanks mate (and Happy new year!)

  • Yeh it should work great for backing track playback. I've not tried it with a mini 2 personally but I suspect it would be better than the mini 1.

    I'd always go for the max buffer size if just paying back/recording. There is no real advantage to using a small buffer size in GTL unless you are using live monitoring for playing instruments in real time.

    Are you planning on using IAA? Depending on your set up this may add sample rate conversion. Probably best to avoid this on the old devices.

  • Hi,
    The idea is not using IAA neither, just playback prerecorded material and, maybe, a bit over recording new (since I still love looping) like some licks or voices. I suppose it means live monitoring for playing instruments in real time.
    It's possible to change buffer size on the fly? Do you will recommend it as strategy?
    I can imagine some pop&crackle if I play with these while playing, right?

    I should test different buffer lengths and see how they gone...

  • I wouldn't recommend changing the buffer size on the fly no. The best approach would be to monitor directly through your audio interface and avoid the hardware latency.

    Having said this you maybe able to get your mini 2 buffer size low enough without any pops/crackles. I can't say without actually testing on the device. Personally I'd go for the high buffer size and monitor directly, it's safer that way.

  • Ok @Jack! Thanks a lot for the help <3

  • interesting!

    can you please explain what the buffer size means? it’s a setting in GTL, as far as i can see - but what does it do?

    and what is IAA?
  • All computers process audio in chunks (buffers). The buffer size is the number of audio samples to process in each chunk. If a small buffer size is selected then the computer can process audio very quickly which as a result allows for very low latency (the time taken for the computer to proces the audio). High latency is an issue if you are monitoring your instrument through the software as there will be a noticible delay from when you play a note and hear it back. The problem with small buffer sizes is that the computer is given very little time to process each chunk of audio. If there is a lot of other processes going on (other apps) or the device is not quick enough the audio buffers will be skipped causing audioble glitches (popping, clicking) noises. A large buffer size is the safer option but does add latency. If you are not using live input monitoring with GTL then a large buffer size is always the best option.
  • thank you for explaining it, jack.

    with live input monitoring you mean playing the sound while recording it in realtime (instead of recording it first and playing it later)?
  • edited March 2019
    In GTL you turn on input monitoring with the ‘headphone icon’ in audio settings. It allows you to hear what you are playing in real time.

    Personally I monitor directly from my audio interface which has practically no latency/delay and use a high buffer size in GTL. Best of both.
  • Hm I think I‘m still a bit confused.

    There is this headphone button at the input settings. I played around with it, but still not totally sure what it does. I will take a closer look tomorrow, and if I still have a question related to it, I will post it.
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