Best midi bindings for live performance with Blueboard
Hi there!
I'm interested to know wich midi bindings you use with the iRig Blueboard pedal (or any 4 buttons midi pedal). I've tried different settings but did not find the perfect one yet!
My goal is to record and play a three part song (verse, chorus, bridge) with minimal interaction with the iPad.
So far, I've tried :
Pedal 1 : Select previous group
Pedal 2 : Select next group
Pedal 3 : Record/overdub loop 1 in the selected group
Pedal 4 : Play/stop selected group
Pedal 1 : Toggle play group 1, select group 1
Pedal 2 : Toggle play group 2, select group 2
Pedal 3 : Toggle play group 3, select group 3
Pedal 4 : Record/overdub loop 1 in the selected group then select the next group
Pedal 1 : Toggle play group 1, select group 1
Pedal 2 : Toggle play group 2, select group 2
Pedal 3 : Toggle play group 3, select group 3
Pedal 4 : select the next group then record loop 1
So what is your setup?
I’d be interested to hear what your ideal setup for 4 pedals would be?
That's a good question! I've been thinking about that a lot and not still sure.
Mainly, I've been using number 2) above.
Here is a (not perfect) suggestion that is not possible with GTL so far (though it could be achieved with the change bank functionality of the blueboard but I don't like the idea of holding a button while playing) :
P4 : change between Mode 1, Mode 2 and Mode 3
Double click P4 : fade all
Mode 1 (Master mode)
P1 : Record/play/overdub Master
P2 : Play/Stop Master
P3 : Play/Stop all
Mode 2 (recording mode)
P1 : Record/play/overdub on G1-loop1
P2 : Record/play/overdub on G2-loop2
P3 : Record/play/overdub on G3-loop2
Mode 3 (playing mode)
P1 : Play/Stop G1
P2 : Play/Stop G2
P3 : Play/Stop G3
Note 1 : double press on P1, P2 or P3 in Mode 2 while expecting "record/overdub" could record on next loop in the group.
Note 2 : "all" means playing group, Master and drummer
So I guess, there is only two functionality missing in GTL to achieve that :
Thank you again for the great app and great support!
I'm still very interested to know what others use...
I like the mode idea. So theoretically we could do this by making 3 midi sets in GTL. Then if I added a ‘Load MIDI set’ function you could assign this to pedal 4 and thus cycle through the sets with it.
This is a fairly trivial thing to add, the problem will be not having any visual feedback for which midi set you have loaded. I’ll have to think about that. All ideas welcome.
Good idea, I’d like to add a double tap trigger type. Something to think about, if you double tap on a pedal which also records on a single tap, you will end up triggering that record as well as triggering the double tap function. There is not much I can do about this as record functions require accurate timing and can not wait to see to see if there will be a second tap. Hold functions may be better here.
Fade all - Would ‘fade out then stop all’ be any good? So when you play the session again the volume is restored.
I think I have come with something that is pretty close to what I'm searching for and, bonus, I'm using current features of GTL.. Though I have to use the Bank change functionality of the Blueboard.
Bank1 (record mode - cue off to allow different recording length on each group)
P1 : rec/odub g1l1
P2 : rec/odub g2l1
P3 : rec/odub g3l1
P4 : rec/odub master-l1
Bank2 (play mode)
P1 : play/stop g1 (cue on) + select g1
P2 : play/stop g2 (cue on) + select g2
P3 : play/stop g3 (cue on) + select g3
P4 : toggle mute master
Bank3 (stop/mute/fade mode)
P1 : Fade selected group (would prefer "fade all" to end song", also, not having the group muted at the end of fading...)
P2 : Play/stop global
P3 : Toggle drummer
P4 : toggle mute master
Here is is the only minor drawbacks:
A lot of fun to come! Thank again for such a great app, so flexible!!!
Glad you’ve found a solution that works, I’ll look into adding a ‘fade all function’.
I’ve made, with rules writing help of Nic from Audeonic, a MidiFire Scene which allow up to 24 BlueBoard midi note actions: single/double/triple tap, hold, single tap + hold, double tap + hold for each button (each action send a different midi note). Using BlueBoard in mode 2 is needed.
That could be super useful with GTL too
Here is my MidiFire file: BlueVelvet 24 actions.mfr?dl=0
Yep, GTL supports CC, PC and midi note messages. I’ve not used MIDIFire before but I’d be interested to know how this works for you.
Usually I use button 1 and 2 with various taps for backing loops triggering (mute, solo) with Loopy, and even scenes with Ableton, with Grooptheloop that will be groups too :-) Button 3 is dedicated for looper actions: record/overdub, mute, re-record, and with six actions I can even control two Loopy slots or two Ableton loopers devices. Button 4 is for various fxs presets toggle, with or without ramp up/down.
Here is an example of what I do with this BlueBoard/Midifire combo and Audiobus/AUM/Loopy on the iPhone, there is only one sax tenor but with pitch shifting variations and loops trigger, this is real-time looping performance of course:
Grouptheloop should help me to go further with my 7 Plus
Ah I see, sounds like a great tool. Nice music by the way, thanks for sharing!
@jack thanks, glad you liked it