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MIDI assign with Blueboard (Fixed)

edited October 2016 in Bugs
Hello,<br /><br />I am having trouble getting MIDI assign to work with a Blueboard pedal board. I can successfully assign a button to a global "Play / Stop" command, so it is recognizing the device, but not with group-specific record or mute commands. So it will stop / start play, but not start a recording.<br /><br />Is this also related to velocity? I didn't know the Blueboard sent velocity information.<br /><br />Best,<br />Michael


  • edited October 2016
    Hello,<br /><br />I am having trouble getting MIDI assign to work with a Blueboard pedal board. I can successfully assign a button to a global "Play / Stop" command, so it is recognizing the device, but not with group-specific record or mute commands. So it will stop / start play, but not start a recording.<br /><br />Is this also related to velocity? I didn't know the Blueboard sent velocity information.<br /><br />Best,<br />Michael<br />
    <br /><br />Hey Michael, sorry to hear this. <br /><br />The velocity bug is now fixed in version 1.1.2 so it shouldn't be that. What sort of commands are you sending out with the Blueboard? It's best to send out just one command per pedal. GTL supports note, program change and control change commands.<br /><br />Also Is it possible that you have set record to 'hold' rather than 'tap' in MIDI settings?<br /><br />It may be worth talking to krass, member of this forum. He has a Blueboard working well with GTL.<br /><br />
    on 1456739081:
    <br />..The iRig Blueboard (which works great with your app by the way  :) ) only has 4 switches so trying to juggle resources a bit....<br />
    <br /><br />If you're still having problems just let me know and we'll try and resolve them.<br /><br />Cheers
  • Thank you.<br /><br />I tried a different way using an iPhone to generate MIDI (using Apollo).<br /><br />As before, global stop / start works fine. The "Loop 1 in group" remain problematic.<br /><br />When I set bindings with "Tap" nothing happens. When I set bindings with "Hold" I get some response. The screen will show "Mute" or "Clear" with a sweep-second hand animation, but then nothing is muted or cleared.<br /><br />Any ideas? This seems to transcend just Blueboard then.
  • Hey Michael, sorry for the late reply.<br /><br />Have you selected the group first? In the 'Global' bindings section you will find 'select next group' and 'select previous group'. Set one of those to a blueboard pedal to select a group. Once you have selected a group you will be able to use the 'loop in group' bindings. The selected group will have an orange boarder around it.<br /><br />You might find that this is not the best solution for you as the blueboard only has 4 pedals. That's one pedal for each loop in a group but non left to actually select the groups with. <br /><br />An alternative would be to select loops individually instead of selecting groups. e.g. Pedal 1: record selected loop. Pedal 2: mute selected loop. Pedal 3: select previous loop. Pedal 4: select next loop. <br /><br />Apologies for the rant!
  • Thank you, that did the trick.<br /><br />I think with four bindings for Select Next Group, Select Next Loop, Play/Stop Group and Record Selected Loop I can do what I need.<br /><br />I want to record a 16-bar verse, then straight-away a 16-bar chorus, then play them back under my control while I solo over them on guitar. I think I can do that with the four buttons and the bindings above.<br /><br />Loopy over time has added more specific actions for bindings (e.g. record then mute current loop then record next loop). To the extent you can add more of these, each button becomes more powerful and accomplishes what today takes multiple buttons.<br /><br />I appreciate your help!
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