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Recent developments on Group the Loop!

edited January 1970 in Development Blog
Hey everyone!<br /><br />Here's a little update covering my recent work on Group the Loop.<br /><br />After months of development Ableton Link is now 90%ish implemented. Soon we will be able to keep all our drum machines, sequencers etc. in perfect time with Group the Loop. And with new technologies like Kymatica's AUM out, this is going to open up a world of possibilities. I've had an interesting email from a user wanting to add effects to his guitar, run it through GTL, then apply mastering effects, all on the iPad. This kind of thing is now possible with AUM and GTL!<br /><br />For Ableton Link support i've pretty much reworked the core of GTL and it's now much improved. We can now adjust tempo in real time from within GTL or from any other Link enabled apps. In the settings, you will be able to choose how loops react to tempo changes, either by pitch (which can create some really interesting effects) or by intelligent time stretch algorithms (great if you want to keep in the same key).<br /><br />Other things I hope to have sorted in the next update are:<br />- More audio files supported on AudioShare import.<br />- IAA input connections, so we can connect apps straight into GTL!<br />- A new view to access tempo and clock settings, accessed by tapping the clock.<br /><br />There have been many requests for future features and i'm slowly working way through the list, which is quite big now :).<br /><br />Thanks for reading, just post here if there's anything you'd like to know.<br /><br />Cheers,<br />Jack<br /><br />


  • Jack - this update will be awesome. Thanks!<br /><br />PS - maybe you can sneak reverse playback in there?  ;)
  • I'll look into it :). An easy and quick way would be just to process the file to reverse it. More complex way would be to actually have the playhead travelling backwards. Any thoughts?
  • I don't need to see the playhead going backwards. That would confuse me!  ;D<br /><br />The process method would be sufficient for me. It would be nice if it was a switch so you could turn reverse on or off per clip. Thanks
  • Great, i'll look into it!
  • Ableton Link support will be the biggest improvement atm, but as I've been using it more and more I feel it would be nice if the next loop, previous loop controls selected loops only within the currently selected group so you don't have to scroll though all loops individually to get to the loop you want.  It would be faster to highlight the given loop you want.  It would also be sweet if there were midi controls to directly access a group, so you could just click a button and go directly to group 8 for example.  <br /><br />Keep up the great work, I'll be giving the new version a 5 star review on the App Store as soon as it launches!
  • edited October 2016
    Ableton Link support will be the biggest improvement atm, but as I've been using it more and more I feel it would be nice if the next loop, previous loop controls selected loops only within the currently selected group so you don't have to scroll though all loops individually to get to the loop you want.  It would be faster to highlight the given loop you want.  It would also be sweet if there were midi controls to directly access a group, so you could just click a button and go directly to group 8 for example.  <br /><br />Keep up the great work, I'll be giving the new version a 5 star review on the App Store as soon as it launches!
    <br /><br />Hey Judochopjames,<br /><br />Great suggestions, I can see the benefit of confining the selected loop to the current group. Especially if you're working with a lot of groups.<br /><br />I've been using the select next/previous group bindings then assigning 4 pedals to record loops 1 - 4 in the selected group. You do need quite a few pedals for this approach though.<br />
  • can't wait for Ableton Link :)

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