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Chinese Blocs - GroupTheLoop version

I have practiced my saxophone a lot last months. Here is a first result of that work.

This is again sax looping improvisation with iPhone 7 Plus and fantastic GroupTheLoop app.

Sax effects, looper, loops/scenes, mutes/solos are all triggered with pedalboard/MidiFire custom script. All this improvisation is recorded live in one and only pass in AUM. Stereo file is then processed with Lurssen Mastering Console app.

I still have to practice for the stage, the goal being playing all of this live :-)

Sax setup is Gear4music tenor sax with Lebayle LRII 8*/Vandoren Optimum/Legere Signature 2, recorded with wonderful Viga Music Tools Intramic plugged in Irig Pro I/O straight to iPhone 7 Plus.


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