Fade IN and OUT
Hi Jack,
It's a wonderful app you made, both design and possibilities. I discovered it last week. But it would be nice to have to the possibility for fade IN and OUT. With for example four choices:
- instrument,
- group,
- group + mastergroup
- mastergroup
Hi Martin, glad to hear you're enjoying the app.
You can fade in/out but only using MIDI bindings. Open the settings in GTL then navigate to MIDI -> MIDI Bindings and then tap the plus + button at the bottom of the view. Scroll down until you see the 'FADE' function under the LOOP header and tap to open the binding view. Trigger a button on your midi controller to assign it to the function. You can also set the fade length and target loop. You can do the latter with groups as well.
Hi Jack,
Thanks for your quick reaction. Your answer is clear, but for composing a song for me it would be very handy to have it as effect in your app. So you can make the whole composition with going extern to a MIDI controller. I’m really not in with that MIDI stuff, I don’t have it in IOS or external.
I mostly want to create accompaniments for playing the saxophone or piano over it. Surely when I do a live performance it’s nice to have an easy way to create a fade out for every song when creating the song. The count-in ad the beginning is perfect with the cue-1234.
Thanks Martin, understood! I'd love to add this feature and I've added it to my enormous list of things to do haha. It could be a good addition to the next big version of GTL.
Thanx, succes with the job 😊