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iPhone App - Your opinion?

edited January 1970 in General Discussion
Hey everyone, i'd quite like to get an iPhone version of GTL out next.<br /><br />The big question is:<br />Do we release a cheaper app just for iPhone.<br />Or do we make GTL a universal app.<br /><br />Would love to know your thought's.


  • Hi Jack.I would pay for an iPhone app,cheaper of course as you seem to be adding features and putting the work in.<br />Best of luck with it.<br />insimoniac
  • I prefer universal apps, but if it makes you more money to keep development going, make a separate iPhone version.  Cheers.
  • I remember from my short-lived attempts at making an ios app that getting the layout stuff right on the different devices was really not fun. So making it a seperate app would probably be easier to do. Also, like lukesleepwalker I'd support any decision that helps you make more money from GTL. You deserve it  :)
  • I'd happily pay for a separate iPhone app. There's always the option of making the current version universal later on.
  • Brilliant thanks! A universal app would be great but I wouldn't like to put off iPhone only users with the higher price. Also Hatchjaw, that's a good point, I could make the iPad version universal at some point too.
  • Just wondering how you'd see the groups working on the smaller screen. The current group showing at one time?
  • edited October 2016
    <blockquote class="Quote" rel="orbytheorb">Just wondering how you'd see the groups working on the smaller screen. The current group showing at one time?</blockquote>Yep that was my thought too. One group would fill most of the screen, swipe left right to navigate them. Also the 4 loops in the master group could be in a 2x2 grid.
  • universal all the way. I love having the same app, and same functionality on ipad and iphone.
  • Universal would be awesome! But I'd probably pay for a separate iPhone version otherwise. Bring it on!
  • Would definitely pay for iPhone version, ideally the same functionality but laid out in a way that makes sense for iPhone. I would recommend looking at how AUM has designed the two different versions of that app because I think a similar layout would work great for GtL.
  • Would definitely pay for iPhone version, ideally the same functionality but laid out in a way that makes sense for iPhone. I would recommend looking at how AUM has designed the two different versions of that app because I think a similar layout would work great for GtL.
    Definitely agree, AUM has a great UI. I will look to it for inspiration :)
  • Late to the party, but definitely a fan of universal apps. I don't like having two instances of an app at all.
  • edited December 2016
    @Fprintf wrote:
    Late to the party, but definitely a fan of universal apps. I don't like having two instances of an app at all.

    I'm not sure how it's going to play out yet. I'd also like it to be universal however it would be nice to attract some iPhone only users and I think the higher price may put them off. It maybe that the best solution is to have a light version available for the iPhone only along with a 'Pro'' universal version.
  • edited December 2016
    Fprintf wrote:
    Late to the party, but definitely a fan of universal apps. I don't like having two instances of an app at all.

    Glad to see you here!
    Jack wrote:
    I'm not sure how it's going to play out yet. I'd also like it to be universal however it would be nice to attract some iPhone only users and I think the higher price may put them off. It maybe that the best solution is to have a light version available for the iPhone only along with a 'Pro'' universal version.

    It's a great idea since the small screen maybe requires a different approach... something more simple and making it perfect as entry level+companion and somekind of discount for the pro version... it makes sense?
  • Personally i'd rather you just focus your limited time on improving the iPad version. To me the iPhone doesnt seem the ideal device for any in-anger live performance use.

    But hey - i don't know the marketing demographics of iOS music-app usage between iPhone and iPad.

    Guess theres far more iPhone owners out there but of the ones really into iOS music apps aren't most of them on iPads these days ? So much more to offer to a serious musician.
  • @nonchai wrote:
    Personally i'd rather you just focus your limited time on improving the iPad version. To me the iPhone doesnt seem the ideal device for any in-anger live performance use.

    But hey - i don't know the marketing demographics of iOS music-app usage between iPhone and iPad.

    Guess theres far more iPhone owners out there but

    Yes the iPad is probably the better choice for live performance, I also think though that there's a lot of value in being able to whip out your phone and sketch out an idea. Certainly for me anyway. I'm hoping that the iphone version will attract a few more to the world of GTL. I'm still fully invested in the iPad version though and that's my main focus at the moment.
  • I have been using iPad for many Years for live performance. Thanks for focusing on the iPad. GTL has allowed me to leave the laptop at home. It's a game changer.
  • Mach2 wrote: »
    I have been using iPad for many Years for live performance. Thanks for focusing on the iPad. GTL has allowed me to leave the laptop at home. It's a game changer.

    That's great, glad to hear it!
  • I agree and I'm enjoying a lot the app too. :smiley:
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